Misty: While i’ve found a cool, shady spot where I can lay down in the garden, Rosie is going completely crazy chasing up and down the fence, barking at the boys. The girls have wandered into the top paddock and this has upset Sonny and Adam. They are shrieking and running around trying to get the girls attention. Leo and Charlie are trying to join in, and the two who normally enjoy a good neck wrestle and play fight (Angelo and Alfie) are stood watching, looking rather bemused.
The final two cria were born this week. A beautiful little girl with a bow on her head for Lucina (we have yet to pick a name for her) and a dark brown boy for Evie, who is called Jonnie (after Jonnie Peacock, who won the Men’s T44 100m the day the cria was born). Have a look at the pictures below!
We thought poor Selene had broken her foot earlier in the week, but after the vet came out, checked her over and gave her a dose of metacam, she seems fine – she must have just got it caught in a rabbit hole and needed a day of recuperation with Annie Rose in the shed.