Garsons Field Alpheus (2010)
Colour: Solid White
Alpheus (Alfie) was named after the Roman river God, which reflected the weather prior to his birth! He is very friendly and loves to come up and nuzzle against his human friends, wagging his tail profusely when petted!

Garsons Field Morrisey (2011)
Colour: Solid Mid Fawn
Morrisey is very gentle and a bit of a day dreamer, often getting left behind when his companions wander into the next paddock. He is very pretty and isn’t too fussed about getting his fair share at feeding time. We should point out that Morrisey is named so after a local farmer, who was baling hay in the next paddock when he was born, not the more famous one!

Garsons Field Jonnie (2012)
Colour: Solid Black
Jonnie was born during the London 2012 paralympics so was named after Jonnie Peacock, the gold medalist. He caused us a lot of anxiety after a rather difficult birth but was obviously a fighter. Born prematurely, it took almost a year before he showed any significant growth but is now a very handsome, healthy and sometimes over friendly alpaca who enjoys lots of attention and nibbling clothes! He has always been fascinated by the dogs, often engaging in the occasional game of chase with Misty.

Garsons Field Sundown (2014)
Colour: Solid White
Sundown was a special surprise bonus for us. His mum, Morning Glory, was the first grey female to join us as part of our new breeding plan but no one knew she was pregnant. The day he was born we had just returned from Cornwall where we had been staying in a lovely house called Sundown, hence the name. Like Jonnie he was very tiny and almost had to stand on tiptoe to feed from his mum. It didn’t take him long, however, to discover hard food and he is always waiting patiently at the gate at feeding times. Sundown sometimes resembles an overgrown hedgehog as he has a super fine fleece which seems to attract all sorts of debris, particularly after a night in the shelter!

Garsons Field Major Tim (2016)
Colour: Grey
Major Tim is named after Major Tim Peake, who was stationed at the ISS when he was born. He’s a very friendly alpaca and has fathered many cria in our herd.
Garsons Field Caliban (2020)
Colour: Light Fawn